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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dumb Dumb Dumb... like people would ask why? everyone would be wondering why?
C'mon.. you know it, i know it... maybe... almost everyone knows about it. -.-'' why would someone like me be pissed/disappointed/sad/angry or what so ever reasons you can give? HAHAS! damn fucking simple alright....

there could be afew reasons....
1) not enough money =( that's sad...
2) school work stress... that's fuck sad...
3) friends are not in a very stable status... that means can go bang the wall and die already!
4) pretty obvious... because of HIM! and today.. yepps.. as USUAL.. like what people might think, it's once again, because of.... HIM! -.-''

alright.. alright... i know it's really lame to be like saying about such stuff... where all my friends thinks that i'm the one being hot headed and blah blah.. saying i'm unkind, mean or whatever you could think of that portays a negative image of myself... but c'mon... none of you saw what's really happening between us... like Duh.. -.-''

not trying to be nagging or start to whine at my blog for fuck reasons? but seriously... i DON'T GET ANY ASSES STARING AT ME WITH EYES THAT SHOWS AN EXPRESSION OF... "WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE TO USE THAT KIND OF TONE ON ME?!" bad huh? can't believe he actually just practically did that. -.-''

NOT COMPLAINING! just stating the facts... you all saw him at start? "wow.. so nice? loving? caring? or any positive stuff you can think of.. but..

LOL!... (sorry i can't help laughing.. my lover is currently on the phone speaking in Korean.. to her mom.. HAHAS! so cool can?!)

okays! ahem! back to the topic... yeah.. i think maybe.. in a summary since i don't wanna be ranting anymore... for anyone that don't know, "HIS ATTITUDE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE LAST! SO STOP SAYING THAT IT'S ME BECAUSE I AM MOTHER FUCKING TRYING TO BE NICE BUT SOMETIMES IT'S JUST SO EFFIN SHIT UP!"

okays the end.. i love everyone! <3333 HAHAHHAS!!!! XD


Thursday, September 24, 2009

1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling them how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

-Looking into someones eyes when i'm telling them how i feel.. okay.. actually none.. totally depends.. -.-''

2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way?

-I totally forgot when i was really angry.. why would someone bother to remember? dumb~

3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago nonstop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them?

-I would call beth, telling her that i've never ever leave her off my mind for even a second and that i really love her a lot.. besides that, i want her to be happy and healthy, hoping she would led an enjoyable life.. :)

4. You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid?

-I would not tell anyone and that i would enjoy every single day i have with my friends laughing out loud and doing lame and crappy stuff. Afraid? yeah.. afraid that i would die a pain death.

5. You can have one of the following two things. Which do you choose? Why? Love and Trust:

-Love. You have to trust the person you love, don't you?

6. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late even once more, you are fired. Do you take the time to save the dog’s life?

-it really depends on the dog. If it's close to dying, I'll bring it to a vet first than go back to work and explain to my boss. If he/she doesn't accept my excuse of being late, screw the job. I'll get a better one with a more understanding boss. But if the dog is fine, I'll bring it back to work and explain... and if the boss doesn't take my excuse again, hell, I'll tell him off and go find a better job with a better boss... And I'll call the SPCA!!!

7. You are unfaithful to your spouse/significant other. Do you tell him/her? Why or Why not?

-Well if I ever am unfaithful to the person (which I highly doubt so), there has to be a damn good reason, so yea I guess I would tell him. So he can understand my feelings in the relationship, and the guilt would probably kill me.

8. Your friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more then just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you do/say?

-erm.. it depends? If I have feelings for him, than fine. But if I don't, I'll say "sorry I'm not interested, can we still be friends?" or something like that. This is kind of a stupid question, I think everyone has the same reaction...

9. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?

-no...? I'd annoy myself hahas! =x

10. Does love = sex?

-The way the question's phrased makes it sound so crude! I guess you could look at it in different ways. I don't think you could love someone just by having sex with them. But I think that if you really love someone, having sex with them is fine...? this is so awkward. And I think I phrased my thoughts wrongly. oh well.

11. When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person?

-Not very long ago? and it's effin difficult to say though i just simply say it.. said it to Amanda. what did i say? you don't have to know. [private!]

12. What would be (or what was) harder for you to tell a friend, you love them or that you do not love them back?

-I love all my friends D: but on a different note, it depends. it's hard to be rejected though i didn't experience before.. but i suppose so.. and on the other hand, it's also hard to reject.

13. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose?

-my dreams, I guess. 'cause I'd expect my love ones to accept what I want to do.

14. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them? Who were they to you?

-hmm... let me try to recall who was it did i said.. WAS IT JOANNE SOOI SQ?! which was my best friend for like a hell 10 years!! can't believe we actually know each other for that long.. =x
Or maybe it was JianXiong which is my Greatgrandfather.. told him that as he is suffering from some sort of relationship prob with his girl.. so just told him not to cry and his greatgranddaughter which is me will still love him.. Ah GONG~ <3

15. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not

-yeah, I guess? If I knew how to. I don't want to end up killing the person D:

16. You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your reason for making the decision?:

-..... WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS?! THAT'S JUST WRONG! can I kill myself to save the other two instead?

17. Are you old fashioned?

- LOL! no idea.. hope not! =x

18. When was the last time you were nice to someone and did NOT expect anything in return for it?

- ..... like all the time? awww.. i'm so nice... LMAO! i think i'm gonna laugh till i tear!

19. Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why?

-never loved at all.. what's the point of having love when you know you're gonna hurt like shit later on?

20. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?

-That everyone will have a long, happy prosperous life and fulfill all their wishes (including me!). Also, world peace and happiness! :D


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

He is always showing me attitude.
Always raising his voice at me even though every single time he'll end up saying sorry.
Loves his family, friends and sport more than anything.
Claims that i'm driving him to the corner..
Say things that he don't mean it.
He loves me for something else.
He simply hopes that we weren't together.
He feels that i'm ruining his life.
He wished that i didn't appear.
He never thinks i'm nice.
He always takes his own sweet time as he thinks i ain't important.
He takes me for granted.


He doesn't know that i was hurt.
He doesn't know that his sweet talkings make me feel as though he is hypocritical
He doesn't know that i feel this way
He doesn't know that i don't feel cherished
He doesn't know that by him being this way i would be sad
He doesn't know that i'm depress
He doesn't know that i'm sick of him saying sorry as he said it too many times and nothing ever change..
He doesn't know that i am actually very nice to him.
He doesn't know that i am acting this way because i care.
He doesn't know how i am feeling
He doesn't know how sad i felt


he'll NEVER know...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

HE is sensible
And so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous.

HE says everything I need to hear and it’s like..
I couldn’t ask for anything better :)

HE opens up my door
And I get into his car
And he says..
“You look beautiful tonight..”

HE respects my space,
And never makes me wait..
and he calls exactly when he says he will..

But.. HE can’t see the smile I’m faking
And my heart’s not breaking
Cause.. I’m not feeling anything at all..

Because YOU were wild and crazy
Just simply so frustrating, intoxicating and complicated

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

thanks lion and hy for making this day to happen. ^^v

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SORRY is Not in my Dictionary.

you've uttered the word sorry tons of times... i always try to accept as i don't wanna to pursue the matter.. but you've been saying sorry over and over again.. and now, your sorry do not worth anything at all.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

LOL!! seriously.. i know you're like effin piss off at me and stuff.. ignore my calls and texts, how bad can that get yeah? hahahas!! but well.... knowing your character, i won't even be bothered to ask you to forgive me..

Firstly is because i already know you Won't. Secondly is because even if you actually forgive me, i know that you won't be able to trust me anymore... so.. what's the point yeah? so please do not be worried if i will ever bother you and stuff by saying typical stuff like.. pls forgive me.. i know i'm wrong blah blah blah.. c'mon you're my dad.. i know it will never work on you since it won't work on me either -.-'' hahas!!

i can't even forgive myself, so even if one day you really did forgive me... i won't be able to accept it. like what many people will say.. "aiya... little bit things only.. just forgive and forget la!! and blah.." but hahs!! i know.. everything about you. what your character is like and stuff.. so please please do not listen to what others say.. and best if you don't forgive me alright?

because i don't even know how to face you. even though it's just a little lie.. but yeah.. i still can't bring myself up to face you. so... please remember what the pain where i took a knife and stabbed right into your heart. don't ever think of forgiving me... best of friends? yeah.. we are.. for life... :)

sad? yes i am.. but what can i do? nothing.. i can't and can never turn the clock around.. i know you will never ever forgive me.. so i will only remember all that you've ever told me and stay a good and obedient girl... why am i doing so much for you? because i love you more than anything... you're my dad.. with deepest regret.. i did something unforgivable... sorry that's all i can say.. though it can't ease your pain... but still... i'm sorry...

at least i do not break promises like you.. i forgive you.. but i never expect you to forgive me. because i don't want to know that you don't trust me anymore.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You are just simply fake...


The Ugly Duckling

Im MeeN
And im 16 this year
Want presents on 21st June
I'm a really straight forward person
And i'm Effin Kind alrite?!?! xD
Ok... that's if you're nice to me as well though.. ^^
if sometimes i'm lazy to post about my daily life, i'll post stuff about myself like quizzes and tests that i've done so that more peeps will be able to know more about me!!
Super Temperamental and it's like very hard to understand and know what's going on in my mind..
Mood can change in a blink of an eye.. and it can really change to the extreme!


- Friends
- Laughter
- Craps
- Bball
- Surprises
- Handmade cards
- Tennis
- Smiles
- Donut!
- Egg Tarts
- Sweets
- Chocolates!
- Pooh and friends
- Computer
- Flowers
- Anime
- Handphone
- Singing
- Being Happy~~
- Breaking the rules!!


- Backstabbers
- Liars
- Hypocrite
- Garlic
- Acting cute
- Onion
- Stuff toys
- Mushroom
- Guys that use waist bags
- Overly broken english
- Chinese
- Being caught in the middle
- Being sad
- Ppl that thinks i'm acting
- Sticking to the Rules!

Being HappyAlways is ME! XD

My Mini Chocolate Shop

All pricing of chocs are counted by PER piece.

choices of nuts are Almond or Hazel nut

semi-sweeten dark chocs [$0.50]
semi-sweeten dark chocs with nuts [$0.70]
white chocs [$0.70]
white chocs with nuts [$1]
half dark half white [$1]
half dark half white with nuts [$1.50]

if you want your choc to be customise, letters can be added on one letter per choc.
each letter will have an additional add of [$0.30]

for ordering, please state clearly what type of nuts you want and the rest of the information clearly.

Thanks You!! XD

Wishy List! Grant them!! xD

New school bag
New specs
Apple earpiece
Bouquet of flowers
Personalise mirror
Table full of b'day cakes
Hair food
New sling bag
school shoes
More Beads
A globe
Outing shoes
New desk
New handphone
More clothes!!
Pencil case
Psp fatty
Psp slim

My Story

June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009


Moderation of tagboard is done by †bF|A.|.M.™


4e3 the craizest

Bernard [bro]
Carmen Ho
Fat Ass
Jian Xiong
Qiao Ting
Seeun [lover]
Wei Mei
Yue Qin



Tag me to link you!!


Designer : -Yuuko%
Image hosting : Photobucket
Tagboard : Cbox
Edited by: †bF|A.|.M.™
Brushes and font : x x x
Programs : PhotoShop CS3

Music is my life